10 Exercises for a Healthy Mid-back

The mid-back, also known as the thoracic spine, is an area of general stiffness for most people. Stiffness or hypomobility can eventually lead to discomfort, as well as poor posture. I used to feel an achy pain in the middle of my back just underneath the level of my shoulder blade. It was a very subtle low grade pain, but so very annoying!

View of the thoracic spine, highlighted for illustrative purposes.

View of the thoracic spine, highlighted for illustrative purposes.

 It was becoming more difficult for me to sit for longer periods of time. Finding a comfortable position to watch a movie was becoming a challenge. I knew that I had to start focusing on stretching that part of my back, as well as strengthening the surrounding postural muscles. Typically, people don’t focus on mid back exercises. People tend to focus on stretching their low back and strengthening larger muscle groups, which I can be guilty of as well.

The Thoracic Spine (T/S), can be strengthened with the following exercises, specifically designed to target this area. 

Here are some of my favorite stretches for the mid-back, including a few coupled with full body stretches. These exercises address the multi directional movement of the spine. The thoracic spine tends to be a stiff area due to the natural curvature of the spine, and it doesn’t help that most people stay in a flexed position majority of the day.

This is why it's so important to extend, side-bend, and rotate the mid-back to get it moving in all directions in order to maintain its mobility.

T/S stretches/mobility:


Man shown holding the “cat” position of the cat/cow exercise — aim to hold each position for a few seconds.

Man shown holding the “cat” position of the cat/cow exercise — aim to hold each position for a few seconds.

Switching between the two positions, holding each for a few seconds — aim for 6 - 10 total.

Switching between the two positions, holding each for a few seconds — aim for 6 - 10 total.

Always a favorite to warm-up with! Start on your hands and knees with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. From here, take a deep breath in arching your mid-back, then breathing out as you push your stomach towards the floor creating a dip in the back.

Hold each position for a few seconds or longer, and repeat for a total of 10x.

Sphinx pose

Woman engaged in sphinx posed — aim to hold pose/stretch for about 30 seconds.

Woman engaged in sphinx posed — aim to hold pose/stretch for about 30 seconds.

Lay on your stomach propped up onto your forearms. Chest is off the floor, extending the thoracic spine and gaze is forward. Elbows should be close to the body and aligned directly underneath the shoulders.

Hold the stretch for 30 sec. to 1 min. You can lower your chest to the floor and press up into the stretch for a total of 6x.

Seated twist

Woman shown performing seated twist, turning to the right, then holding the position for 15-30 seconds.

Woman shown performing seated twist, turning to the right, then holding the position for 15-30 seconds.

Sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other knee bent in close to your body. You want to rotate your trunk towards your bent knee. Try reaching the outside arm towards your buttons for a deeper twist. Switch legs and repeat on the other side.

You can hold this position for 15-30 seconds each and repeat a few times on each side. 

Mid-back extension stretch

mid back extension stretch on foam roller.jpeg

Place foam roller under shoulder blades, or specific area of tightness in the mid back. Let your back extend over the foam roller for a stretch. You can have arms crossed on your chest, or place your hands behind your head for an added chest (pectoral) stretch.

Hold this position for 30 sec. to 1 minute at a time. Repeat as needed.

Combination whole body stretches 

Lunge with rotation

Woman Doing Reaching Yoga Pose at Sunset.jpeg

Attain a runner’s lunge position. The back leg should remain straight while on your toes. Take the arm on the same side as the front leg and raise it towards the ceiling, creating a twisting motion (chest should be facing the front leg).

Hold this position for 15-30 sec. before switching legs and twisting to the other side. Try for a few times each side.

Standing with leg behind and side bend

In standing, hold opposite elbows with arms overhead, place your right leg behind your left while side bending your upper body to the left side. You should feel a strong stretch throughout the entire side body.

Hold here 10 seconds and switch to the other side. Repeat as needed.

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose.jpeg

Start in Warrior II, with the left foot forward and extend both your knees. Reach your left arm out then down towards your left foot. The right arm should be reaching towards the ceiling, providing a rotational stretch in the thoracic spine.

Hold here for about 30 sec. Your body should relax into the stretch. Repeat on the other side with the right foot forward.

Strengthening Exercises


standing row exercises with dumbells.jpeg

Rows are one of the most underrated exercises. This exercise works many of our postural muscles at the same time. There are several variations of the exercise, so it’s easily adaptable for your needs. If you have dumbbells at home, a bent over row is a great option. You want to pull the weights up towards your armpits and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Woman Exercising with Elastic Band. Rowing Exercise Strength Training..jpeg

Another option is done with an exercise band. In a seated position, make sure to maintain a straight back and pull the band towards your waist, again squeezing shoulder blades together.

If you really want a challenge, you can try single arm rows in a plank position.

Home fitness plank row workout.jpeg

Try for 10-15 repetitions and 2 sets. 

Lat pull downs

Lat Pull Downs with proper form — aim for 10-15 repetitions.

If you don’t have access to a weight machine and pull bar, you can do this at home with an exercise band. If you have a long band, you can stick it in the door frame above and use a chair to sit in. Pull the bands down keeping elbows out, towards your chin. Elbows should be moving towards each other for a squeeze in the back.

Try for 10-15 repetitions and 2 sets if you can!


superman stretch pose example.jpeg

Laying on your stomach, lift your chest off the floor with arms extended in front of you. Stomach muscles should be tight and pressing into the floor. You have the option to squeeze and lift your legs off the ground in addition to the upper body. Try varying arm positions for a greater challenge. Begin with arms at your side, then progress to T’s and Y’s. You can even add a light weight! Lift and squeeze for 5 seconds before slowly returning to the starting position.

Try for 10x holding for 5-10 seconds each. 

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