10 Benefits of Journaling

I recently got back to journaling, something I haven’t done in a long time. I barely recognized my own handwriting when I started. It made me think of a time where one of my highschool teachers joked that my writing looked like hieroglyphics. It’s so strange to think I haven’t written anything significant on paper since maybe high school. I do remember having a journal back then. If I were to read them now, I’d be dying to help that younger version of myself.

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There’s something nostalgic about having a journal that I really love. Lately, I’ve had a lot of new ideas, which include work and personal goals that have been swirling around my mind. I thought it would be good to get them on paper. After I started, I found it to be very beneficial in organizing those goals and prioritizing the endless list of things to do.

As it turns out, it's also been really helpful for my mental health. I’m pretty good at compartmentalizing my life into several boxes. Deep down I know that ignoring my feelings isn’t a good thing. In fact, I know that it's harmful for my soul. I would like to get better at feeling my emotions and letting them guide my spirit to where it needs to go. I think I might believe in the idea of manifest destiny. So, I guess journaling is something I do daily now.

There are so many great many benefits to journaling. Here’s a list of WHY’S to get you inspired if you think it might be a good thing for you too. 

  1. Keep your thoughts organized.

    The whirlwind of to-do’s at home, mixed with work and family responsibilities actually become easier to manage once you can prioritize all the things you need to get done. Writing everything down on paper also helps you visualize those needs. 

  2. Improves your writing skills.

    The more you do it, the easier it gets. For me, I have found that I have been able to be more descriptive and specific in my  writing, and not be afraid to write about a topic in depth, no matter how mundane the topic may be. 

  3. Allows you to visually set and achieve your goals.

    Plain and simple, goals become more real when you write them down. It’s something you can look at, strive for, and hopefully one day get to place a checkmark next to. No matter how big or small, put it into the ether and make it happen. 

  4. Allows for self reflection.

    We’ve all had different experiences, both good and bad. Something special about being able to look back is having a chance to heal from the bad times and gain a greater appreciation for the good times. Learning about yourself and healing from the past are what journals are made for!

  5. Boosts your memory.

    Just the act of remembering something, walking through what had happened and then writing it on paper helps solidify that memory in your brain.

  6. Inspires creativity.

    You’d be surprised to see what actually makes it on the page. Many times, I’ll write about something that I didn’t even realize I was interested in or thinking about. I occasionally have a doodle thrown in every few pages. Whatever pops into your mind can become something on its own. 

  7. Practice Mindfulness.

    Putting thoughts to paper, especially feelings of gratitude is so helpful when practicing mindfulness. It allows you to go deeper in your thought process and identify every internal and external sensation you are feeling and experiencing in the moment.

  8. Strengthen self discipline.

    This one is a bit obvious, but committing to daily journaling is a great form of self care. If you have trouble doing something every day this might be an easy one to try, because you have control of how much time you want to spend writing. If it’s been a crazy day, it's okay to write down 3 things you're thankful for. It’s nice to have the room for depth in this activity. 

  9. Improve communication skills.

    When you're writing in your journal, it's like talking to a friend. You learn how to express yourself thoroughly and thoughtfully. You learn how to be descriptive in explaining how you feel. These are all great ways that help build communication skills.

  10. Manage anxiety and reduce stress.  

    Journaling has been a life-saver for my mental health. Not only does journaling become a safe place to explore my emotions, but it really helps me to clearly identify problems and solutions (and/or plans). When I can come up with a solution to something, it instantly reduces my anxiety. Sometimes just finding out what exactly the problem is can be the biggest hurdle! 

For me it has become a receptacle for my emotional vomit. That might sound unappealing, but sometimes that’s what it is. It’s feelings, plans, chicken scratch, and doodles of my everyday life. It’s not always neat and thoughtful and that's okay. Not only does it keep me sane, but it allows me to let go of my feelings and visually see on paper, what’s really important in my life.

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The best thing has been being able to step out of my head and look at what I wrote. You write for a reason. You write to convey some sort of feeling. Let your own words guide you! I think it has saved me many times from making quick decisions out of convenience or emotion, rather than sitting with the idea and going through my thought process towards a better resolution. I’ve been able to keep track of what’s important to me and identify what I want to change for the future. 

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